What you need to know about High SMAS Facelift

High SMAS Facelift 
Today, I would like to introduce you about High SMAS facelift, which is a technique that has been invented by THE Plastic Surgery and is a popular procedure among Koreans. Let's see what exactly is High SMAS!! 

High SMAS is suitable for anyone...
* with excessive fat leading to sagging face
* who haven't seen results from thread lift, lasers, and other procedures  
* stressful with sagging skin and wrinkles that is shown through pictures or makeup when looking at the mirror
* with sagging skin after facial contouring procedures

Different from ordinary face lifting procedures, High SMAS involves lifting both muscle and skin layer in the front and profile area for maximum lifting and improvement of wrinkles. Fixation of SMAS layer and elimination of excess skin allows long-lasting results.


During the initial period of surgery, I recommend resting and being extra careful due to possibility of bleeding and open wound. Do not strain, open mouth, or turn your face abruptly. The total duration of surgery is approximately 2-3 hours depending on the condition of individuals and the level of sagging. 

If you're ready to look and feel young again in your 20s-30s, then High SMAS is the ultimate solution for you. 

For online consultation
Whatsapp: +82-10-2024-5998
Email: theps.english@gmail.com
Line: theps.eng
TEL : +82-10-2024-5998

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